/* Full width layout for larger screens (PC/Desktop) */ #serviceListWidget1 { display: flex !important; flex-wrap: nowrap !important; /* Prevent items from wrapping */ justify-content: space-between !important; overflow-x: hidden !important; /* Hide horizontal scroll on desktop */ } #serviceListWidget1 .service-item { flex: 1 !important; /* Ensure each item takes equal space */ max-width: 100% !important; /* Make each item take full width on desktop */ } /* Mobile layout: single column with horizontal scroll */ @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { #serviceListWidget1 { display: block !important; /* Stack items vertically */ overflow-x: auto !important; /* Enable horizontal scroll */ white-space: nowrap !important; /* Ensure all items are in a single row */ } #serviceListWidget1 .service-item { display: inline-block !important; /* Align items in a row */ width: 100% !important; /* Each item takes full width */ } }
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